Komiža, Island of Vis

One of  the longest fishing tradition villages lies on the West side of the island, at the end of a huge, C shaped bay. Komiža dates from Venetian Republic, which is recognizable in stone walls and castle on the coast. Area is full of olive and vine trees, as well as carob, oranges and lime.

First records off trading and sorting the fish in the village dates from 1331, and from 1470 there is a record of massive sardine fishing and salting the fish for preservation and as a delicacy. Later on, Komiža built sardine factory that was famous until few years ago when it closed. Literally half of Croatian fishing boats with nets, fishing trade and salted fish was coming from Komiža alone those days.

There are numerous written records and stories about Komiža fishermen fighting and repelling many intruders trying to fish on their grounds, from close islands all a way to fishermen from Italy. There are also many stories about Komiža fishermen fighting between them selves, because of the type of nets that were using, standing ones (vojge) and pulling ones. The conflicts lasted for almost 3 centuries. So the vojge fishermen were going further out than any other fishing boats, sometimes even escorted with navy ships to defend them from pirates. They had a special built ship with sails for this voyages, very buoyant on the sea, called "FALKUŠA". To this day it is a beautiful signature design from Komiža, with unique sails and very good sailing characteristics. At night Komiža has the most romantic, peaceful atmosphere from any other small towns around.

About The Location

Possible arrangements:

  • Unforgettable, authentic dinning experiences
  • Tours to the local ECO agriculture spots
  • Local wine routes
  • History themed, exclusive, private dinning experience
  • Visit to the old sardine factory

Sailing around Komiža, on the West side of the island, there are many unique, quiet small lagoons with clear crystal sea, where you can anchor and enjoy in pure, authentic nature. Just few miles SW lies island of Biševo, with Blue cave and many more natural wonders to explore. Knowledge of the local weather patterns is crucial for sailing in this open waters.

Most summer days there's a nice, constant, refreshing daily wind, called "Maeštral", blowing from NW, starting before Noon, peaking around 05 pm and finishing in later afternoon hours. "Bura" is a NE wind, with strong gusts, rapidly going from start to maximum, bringing clear, sunny weather. Early signs are sometimes small "hat" clouds on the peaks of the nearby mountains, or huge storm cloud formations with lightnings without thunder. "Jugo" is the SE wind, causing the most sea disturbance and swells, it needs time to grow, bringing cloudy skies and rainfalls. Can be seen from distance as humidity rise on a horizon while the pressure is falling and swell is rising. "Tramontana" is Northern wind, usually stronger than "Maeštral", bringing very nice weather. These are the main winds in the summer time and all of them have potency to blow 25 m/s and more, which is on a border of the fiercely storm winds. Bura is usually more difficult to sail, because of it's fierce gusts and fast momentum from 0-max. All of them have more detailed characteristics, which you can find out sailing with our skippers.

There are also common local winds and storms that needs to be taken in knowledge, as they can bring damage in short period of time.

"Lebić", SW warm, dry wind, usually connected with short and strong passing of "Bura" after "Jugo", bringing swell crossing and disturbance in ports.

"Levant", East wind, blowing with cloudy, humid weather, usually acting as a switch between Jugo and Bura. Blows with constant speed, around 7 BF, for a short period of time.

"Oštro", South wind, warm and humid, lots of characteristics like Jugo, but more rare.

Making your visit to Komiža the most memorable experience!

Komiža Map